Areca file backup
Areca is a file backup software which can be run on Windows or Linux. It creates backup copies (which can be encrypted and compressed) of your files and stores them on external drives, pendrives, FTP servers, ...
Areca is also able to trigger additional actions, like storing a backup report on your hard drive, sending it by email, launching shell scripts before or after your backup.
Areca supports incremental, differential and full backups.
Areca is easy to use : once you have defined your backup's parameters, they can be launched by a simple click.
Areca also provides all tools needed to handle your archives :
* Backup
* Archive recovery (with or without deleted files) : entire archives or single files can be easily recovered
* Archive merge : contiguous incremental archives can be merged into a single archive to save storage space
* Archive deletion
* History explorer : different versions of a given file can be browsed and restored
* Archive explorer : files can be searched among your archives
In addition, both a Graphical User Interface (useful for general administration tasks) and a Command-Line interface (wh